i didn't really start noticing this until this semester but it's amazing how our little social bubbles and cliques remain separate from each other. for example, let us examine four different social bubbles i consider or used to consider myself a part of.
- delta chi - this is the fraternity i used to be an associate member in. i often hang out with these people on an individual basis and occasionally two or three at a time. however, i never see any of these gentlemen interacting with the other three groups except maybe occasionally the party animals.
- bethany metro atlanta small group - with the exception of mira, i rarely see this group interact with anyone who is not asian.
- gt party animals - these kids don't do anything but party and frat-hop. mostly girls.
- wheeler high school friends - this group has remained amazingly exclusive and reclusive. i say this because i looked at the facebooks of most of the kids i used to interact with and none of them have any posts on their walls from anyone outside of the wheeler community. i am truly amazed at how unique i am for branching out. that sounds so pretentious, but i really do believe i know more people outside of wheeler than any three wheeler/tech kids at tech combined.
these are just examples, i'm part of many of these little social bubbles on campus. the reason i bring this up tonight is because tonight i saw three of the above groups interact at the same event. well.... that's not true. sorry. two of the above groups interacted somewhat.
i invited wheatley, jane, and mv to free sushi tonight. but on the other hand, i also invited joe earlier in the week without remembering. these two groups sat on either side of me at the same table. and i didn't think it was awkward at all. as a matter of fact, both groups got along rather well. soo was there as well but she didn't sit with us, nor did i invite her. she went with her own friends. anyways, so that's dx and bethany interacting. very interesting. and estelle was at sushi as well and she brought some wheeler people. i didn't invite her either though.
so our little melting pot at steel of culture and cliques and organizations kind of triggered this thought. and i couldn't help but notice how some groups were very social and others are not social at all. they remain within their little protective social bubbles and refuse to come out. as someone who is very extroverted and good at meeting new people, i find this astounding. how could you not want to interact with the other groups when you have the opportunity?!?!
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